So what about my health and fitness journey? Well, it took a backseat, more like took the very last seat! I'm essentially almost back to my original weight before starting my initial journey to a healthier life. You know what though? I'm OK with it, it is what it is.
What about your goals of running a marathon or finishing a full Ironman? Those goals, well, they're still something I want to achieve in my life. They are still very much in my thoughts on a daily basis.
So, what now? I don't know. I'm starting over, I struggle everyday to try and find the motivation to stick to any level of exercise and nutrition. I know I have lots of excuses, yep, no shortage there. I also know I still have the desire, and I still have the drive. I've written a lot of these...Time to get back to it, I'm fat and need to get my fitness goals and stick with it....posts. I even created a YouTube channel to help keep myself motivated, but I haven't been able to stick with it.
Are you ready now? Yes I am. It's time. It's time to stop all the excuses. I know the formula, I've done this before...slow and steady wins the race. The fact is, if I continue my current trends my health will get worse, I'm destroying my body and it's time to stop. It's time to get my health back for me and for my wife and daughter.
How? Listen, no detailed workouts or plans's real simple eat less and eat better! Once I can get the garbage out of my diet then maybe I will look to get in the weeds and develop a road map to create Jason The Running Man version 2. For now, simple, slow, and steady. This blog along with my YouTube channel will be important to keep myself on track. I still want to document life, as it happens. The ups and downs and everything in between.
So look for more consistent updates to come. JTRM v2 coming to a store near you.
Strive for progress, not perfection!
Well hope you get back on track!
Well hope you get back on track!
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