Friday, January 8, 2010 the word of the day....

It is very cold here in northern Alabama with the temp around 14 degrees. Left work a little early yesterday and went down to the gym and got in a good 55 minute cardio session and then spent the evening watching the BCS national championship game, Roll Tide.

Last night I slept like a baby and I feel great this morning. Since last Sunday morning I've lost a total of 12 pounds which is pretty much all fluid but a great start to getting myself back in shape and ultimately finishing my goal of running a marathon, one of the reasons for this blog. I need to stick with the low impact cardio here for a little bit and shed some more weight before hitting the road and pounding my knees and ankles into submission! As far as nutritionally goes I'm pretty much dialed in as I've already passed up a lot of junk I would have normally consumed like pizza, cookies, and ice cream, a big win for me there.

Well, I'm off to get some work done and plan to hit the gym later today. Make it a great day!

“When negative things happen to you in life look at them as an opportunity to better yourself and use as a tool to have a positive impact on others.”
Jason Chantelau

1 comment:

Darrell said...

It's a life long committment, my friend. Congrats to you for renewing your committment.

Good to hear that the job is going well, too.