45 Min Elliptical
3.2 Miles
Today was a rough day. At 9am this morning I was laid off from my job do to downsizing. I can't say that I'm surprised but I thought I might have at least another couple of months. To be honest I'm taking a very positive approach about it. Life truely does change quickly no matter what the circumstance may be! In my case I will pick myself up, dust myself off, and live to fight another day.
It would be very easy to sit and sulk and cry about my situation but that solves nothing! I am actually very pleased with the package they gave me and it did ease some of the concern. I do have some built in cushion and that I am very thankful for. I will miss alot of my coworkers most have been my friends for the past 5 years and I was a little ticked that I did not have the opportunity to say goodbye but I do understand and will respect the policies that are in place, it just was a little frustrating.
I've moved on, its in the past, and time for a new start....
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson
Sorry to hear about the lay off. It seems as though you have the strength to pull through it.
All the best.
Sorry about the lay off. This won't get a good guy like you down. Good luck on getting a new job. Enjoy the FREE time with the wife and kid.
I wish I could say a few words to a certain someone there also!
Sad news indeed. Glad to hear you got a decent package and I hope you find new employment quickly.
Sorry to hear about the layoff. I hope you find a new job soon. You're strong enough to handle this!
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